Why Measure Air flow

Very few things are more dynamic than the indoor air we breathe. Each room, even parts of rooms, vary due to occupancy, season, ventilation settings, and even the time of day.

  • Some areas are over-ventilated and use more energy than needed to heat, cool and circulate clean air
  • Some areas are under-ventilated and put occupants at risk of getting sick

It's hard to improve what you don't measure, so Poppy accurately measures ventilation performance.

Carbon Advisory Group

Simple Steps for Better Air Today

1. Test

1. Test

Poppy measures the airflow exchange rate using the tracer particle system while the space is occupied.

See results instantly online.

2. Optimize

2. Optimize

Use results and recommendations to adjust HVAC in any overventilated and underventilated areas.

 3. Re-Test

3. Re-Test

Poppy re-tests the adjusted areas and issues BreatheScore Certify status. Congrats on your balanced building!

4. Monitor

4. Monitor

Poppy conducts seasonal spot checks to help maintain energy savings, safety, and sustainability.

What Poppy Monitors

Poppy monitors the broadest range of accurate airflow and air quality measurements in a compact, affordable tracer sensor system.

  • Equivalent Clean Airflow Rate (ECAi, VECAi)
  • Effective Air Change Rate (eACH)
  • Airflow Pathways and Patterns
  • Safe Occupancy Levels
  • Wildfire Smoke Clearance Rate
  • Cigarette Smoke & Vape Events
  • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) & Air Quality Index (AQI)
  • Temperature & Humidity
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs)
  • Carbon Dioxide (eCO2)
  • Particle counts: ultrafine, fine, and coarse (PC0.1-PC10)
  • Particle Mass, ultrafine, fine, and coarse size (PM0.1-PM10)

Data-Driven Decisions.

Poppy's system automatically generates recommendations based on your latest results - either for humans to review or integrated into your building management system (BMS/BAS) to trigger the best HVAC run-mode automatically.

Accurate, instant data alone doesn't move the needle, so Poppy provides hands-off energy savings. Now that moves the needle.

Carbon Advisory Group
Carbon Advisory Group

What You Get

Empower your facilities team with daily, monthly or twice-yearly insights.

Online Dashboard

  • Manage indoor air data across your property portfolio using Poppy's secure online dashboard
  • Track results within a 3D building model over time and in different conditions
  • Quantify the immediate impact of HVAC adjustments across 20+ metrics. See everything Poppy Measures

Energy Savings and Data-Driven Recommendations

  • Use the calculator to estimate potential energy cost savings by addressing over-ventilated areas
  • Optimize HVAC run modes (year-round and flu season) using data-driven recommendations & best practices
  • Download the Building Readiness Playbook for ASHRAE Standard 241.

No one has weeks or months to spare, so Poppy takes just a day or two to get results.

Carbon Advisory Group

The New Standard

Released in July 2023, ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, released Standard 241, the new indoor air quality standard for control of infectious aerosols in buildings. With the testing protocols outlined in Appendix C, Poppy provides the only digital method to test.